Kittiphon Phalakarn (กิตติภณ พละการ, キッティポン パラカーン) is a researcher at ERATO Metamathematics for Systems Design (MMSD) Project, National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo, Japan, led by Prof. Ichiro Hasuo.
My CV is available here.
- E-mail: kphalakarn [at] nii [dot] ac [dot] jp
- E-mail: kittiphon [dot] phalakarn [at] gmail [dot] com
- Probabilistic model checking: quantitative properties of Markov models and games
- Lattice theory and fixed point computation: value iteration, fixed point uniqueness
- Algorithm design and analysis: graph-based algorithms
- Ph.D., Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo (2019-2023, thesis) under the supervision of Prof. Anwar Hasan
- M.Eng., Computer Engineering, Chulalongkorn University (2017-2019) under the supervision of Assoc. Prof. Athasit Surarerks
- B.Eng., Computer Engineering, Chulalongkorn University (2013-2017)
- TA in ECE 606 Algorithm Design and Analysis, University of Waterloo: Fall 2020
- TA in ECE 124 Digital Circuits and Systems, University of Waterloo: Spring 2020
- TA in 2110201 Computer Engineering Mathematics (Linear Algebra), Chulalongkorn University: 2018/2
- TA in 2110202 Discrete Structures and Computability (Discrete Mathematics), Chulalongkorn University: 2018/1
- TA in 2110101 Computer Programming, Chulalongkorn University: 2014/2, 2016/1, 2016/2, 2016/3, 2017/1, 2017/2, 2017/3
- K. Phalakarn, S. Pruekprasert, and I. Hasuo. “Winning Strategy Templates for Stochastic Parity Games Towards Permissive and Resilient Control,” Proc. of the 21st International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing (ICTAC 2024), pp. 197–214. (with best paper award)
- K. Phalakarn, V. Suppakitpaisarn, F. Rodriguez-hendriguez, and M. A. Hasan. “Vectorized and Parallel Computation of Large Smooth-Degree Isogenies using Precedence-Constrained Scheduling,” IACR Trans. on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems (TCHES), vol. 2023, issue 3, pp. 246-269.
- K. Phalakarn, V. Suppakitpaisarn, and M. A. Hasan. “Speeding-Up Parallel Computation of Large Smooth-Degree Isogeny Using Precedence-Constrained Scheduling,” Proc. of the 27th Australasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy (ACISP 2022), pp. 309-331.
- K. Phalakarn, V. Suppakitpaisarn, and M. A. Hasan. “Single-round Lattice-based Multisignatures,” Proc. of the 8th International Workshop on Information and Communication Security (WICS 2021), pp. 365-371.
- K. Phalakarn, T. Takisaka, T. Haas, and I. Hasuo. “Widest Paths and Global Propagation in Bounded Value Iteration for Stochastic Games,” Proc. of the International Conference on Computer Aided Verification (CAV 2020), pp. 349-371.
- Kittiphon Phalakarn, Kittiphop Phalakarn, and V. Suppakitpaisarn. “Optimal Representation for Right-to-Left Parallel Scalar and Multi-Scalar Point Multiplication,” International Journal of Networking and Computing (IJNC), vol. 8, no. 2, Jul 2018, pp. 166-185.
- K. Phalakarn, and A. Surarerks. “A Matrix Decomposition Method for Odd-Type Gaussian Normal Basis Multiplication,” Proc. of the 3rd International Conference on Computer and Communication Systems (ICCCS 2018), pp. 99-103.
- Kittiphon Phalakarn, Kittiphop Phalakarn, and V. Suppakitpaisarn. “Optimal Representation for Right-to-Left Parallel Scalar Point Multiplication,” Proc. of the 4th International Workshop on Information and Communication Security (WICS 2017), pp. 482-488.
- K. Phalakarn, and A. Surarerks. “An Analysis of Computer Programs using Lambda Calculus,” Proc. of the 7th International Workshop on Computer Science and Engineering (WCSE 2017), pp. 214-218. (with best oral presentation award)
- Kittiphop Phalakarn, Kittiphon Phalakarn, and V. Suppakitpaisarn. “Parallelized Side-Channel Attack Resisted Scalar Multiplication Using q-Based Addition-Subtraction k-chains,” Proc. of the 4th International Symposium on Computing and Networking (CANDAR 2016), pp. 140-146.
- Kittiphon Phalakarn, Kittiphop Phalakarn, S. Prasitjutrakul, and S. Sinthupinyo. “Python 101,” Textbook for 2110101 Computer Programming course (in Thai), Aug 2017.
- I am interested in solving and constructing logic puzzles. My puzzles can be found here.